Sweet, Savory, and Bitter Flavors

Mint spirit

Selecting the flavor for the right use is one of the toughest challenges in the flavor application process.  A sweet flavor must make the mouth water while not being overwhelming. Savory flavors need to sit on the tongue without overstaying their welcome.  Bitter flavors need to have the right bite without hitting the pallet in the wrong way. While there are many classic flavors that fall into these categories, let’s take a look at some up-and-coming flavors that fall into these categories.

Sweet Flavors

Some of our classic sweet flavors are cherry, grape, and our candy flavors like blue raspberry and cotton candy.  While these flavors are staples in the sweet market, we see that there are a few new flavors waiting to take center stage in the sweet field.  For instance, flavors like blueberry and pomegranate bring their juiciness alongside their sweetness to provide rounder sweet flavors that don’t overpower.  Furthermore kiwi, melon kiwi, and strawberry kiwi flavors have a sophisticated sweetness entangled with the sour of the kiwi to provide an experience that leaves you wanting more. Bringing in a different source of sweetness can lead to a treat that stands out from the rest.

Savory Flavors

Many savory flavors hit hard and last longer than their real-world counterparts.  Our flavor experts can help you utilize our savory flavors without letting the flavor overstay its welcome.  Ofter overlooked, dill pickle flavor brings that savory weight with a light sour finish. Our rock and rye flavor brings the savory taste of rye with a balanced sweetness to keep it from being overpowering.  On top of that, our smoke flavor can help add a hint of savor to just about any flavor flavor combination that you’re looking to deepen.

Bitter Flavors

Analysts have seen in increase in bitter flavors in the market over the last year.  While mixed beverages have been popular, we expect to see an increase in demand for long forgotten yet traditional bitter flavors.  A dash of our quinine flavor hints at bitterness without being too much. Adding amaretto flavor lives up to its Italian meaning, “a little bitter” and brings that classic bite as well.   Furthermore, florals like eucalyptus and hibiscus add their bitter essence with their subtle softness.

Let the flavor experts help you find your new sweet, savory, or bitter flavor today. Simply call 1-800-466-3034 to find out more about our flavors. You can also request a sample of any of these flavors to get a feel for them, or let us know more about your flavor needs by filling out our online contact form.